This week, there's been a couple of events that dominated my announcements on Twitter. The big one has been the ending of National Novel Writing Month. Many of us were racing to the finish line to write 50,000 words of a novel by November 30th. I finished late in the night of November 29th and wanted to share the news with my fellow participants.
I HAVE FINISHED NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH! Open Office says 51,414 and NaNo's site verification says 50,122. Either way, I'm a winner! :D ~kimberlyFDR 30 Nov via web
As a result of my completion, I was interviewed by a fellow author to go over my experience as a first-time participant.
Check it out! @rebeccablain interviewed me about my experience with NaNoWriMo on her blog! "An Interview with Kimberly" http://x.nu/iFVc1 ~kimberlyFDR 30 Nov via Tweet Button
There have also been a few agent pitch opportunities for writers this week, which I entered and then shared the links via Twitter.
Only 4 more spots left in Operation Awesome's Mystery Agent Contest for December! http://bit.ly/u0N9Zg 1 sentence pitch, commercial fiction. ~kimberlyFDR 1 Dec via Seesmic
Savvy Authors - Pitch your book to Laurie McLean of Larsen Pomada Literary Agency: http://www.savvyauthors.com/vb/content.php?1712-Pitch-your-book-to-Laurie-McLean-of-Larsen-Pomada-Literary-Agency 25 word pitches accepted. Come over! ~kimberlyFDR 2 Dec via web
A fellow author is giving away her Kindle, since she received a Kindle Fire, and she's been having an ongoing competition about that. She asked that we share the word in order to qualify for our entry.
Preternatura: Kindle Giveaway Friday--What Are You Reading? http://suzanne-johnson.blogspot.com/2011/12/kindle-giveaway-friday-what-are-you.html?spref=tw ~kimberlyFDR 6 hours ago via Tweet Button
Also, I had a comic review come out this week and I always announce when they go live.
My review of Angel &Faith #4 comic is now up on @Fandomania http://fandomania.com/?p=44649 I adore Steve Morris' artwork for the cover! A great issue. ~kimberlyFDR 29 Nov via Tweet Button
Finally, since December 1st was World AIDS Day, and that's an event that holds a special place in my heart, I did a tweet about this year's theme, as well as a link to President Obama's speech about the day.
This year's World AIDS Day theme is "Leading with Science, Uniting for Action." Together we can have a world w/o AIDS http://abcn.ws/shnYsW ~kimberlyFDR 1 Dec via Seesmic
I find Twitter convenient to keep up with news and friends on the go. It's been quite a fun ride and I've networked with so many great people since I took the leap!
congratulations on joining twitter and finishing with nano