Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week 9 Assignments

1. Wireless Access Points in Chapel Hill (Found on Google Maps)

2. Amended Supernatural Wikipedia Entry (Found on the Wiki)

3. Wordle Balloon (Found On Wordle)

Wordle: Tyrrell County

4. Timeline of Supernatural Seasons (Found on Dipity)

This is a timeline of all the season premiere and season end dates for the show Supernatural. Included is the DVD artwork for each season's DVDs (1-6) and the Season 7 title card. Additionally, links are included to the Wikipedia entries for each season for more information about episodes, production, and airing schedules.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Episode Wrap-Up

The episode was an interesting way to portray the Osiris myth. I was confused at first, since the victims were being chased by hallucinatory elements and then we find out they had actually turned their lives around, so Osiris was judging them for the guilt that still weighed in their hearts. Of course Dean would be #1 on that list. His two biggest guilts being the way he ruined (in his mind) Jo and Sam's lives were very true to his character. And the threat to Amy being the third witness pushed him over the edge. He'd rather die than tell Sam the truth about her. This is not going to bode well for them in the long-term. Secrets between the Winchesters usually end in death and pain.

As for Sam, seeing him being the most well-adjusted between the two of them was a bit weird. This is the guy with the Hell hallucinations and the constant need to use pain to ground himself in reality and he's the better of the two? But he's also learned to let go of his guilt. He's done some bad things in his life, but he served his time in Hell and now he sees the scales as more balanced. Dean hasn't learned that yet and it's going to kill him if he doesn't learn it soon. He can't carry around that much guilt and pain without it cracking his already fragile psyche. He's already withdrawn into the safety of his former view of the world being clearly monsters = bad. I wonder when Sam will learn the truth about Amy and when Dean's going to go tumbling down.

It was wonderful to see Jo back tonight. We got a chance to see Ellen brought back from the dead in the AU Titanic world, so it was only fitting that Jo get to come back at least once. It was interesting that she didn't want to bring vengeance upon Dean, but she was pushed to do so by Osiris. And Dean was so forgiving the entire time, because he knew that she didn't want to do it either. I wondered how she would kill him, apparently blocking out that "oh, yeah, he's going to die like she did" so when she started turning on the gas it was gut-wrenching. They were all put into a bad situation, but thankfully Sam managed to save them in time.

Despite the weighed-down nature of tonight's ep, there were some lighter/old-school moments:
  • Brotherly bickering when they went through the first victim's crime scene.

  • Getting to trample through the graveyard. They haven't done that in a while.

  • Sam laying a salt circle (and Dean laying one later). Always nice to go back to basics.

  • Dean trying to psyche himself up to get with the bartender. He's been out of the game for far too long.

  • Lawyer!Sam! He's a bit rusty, but it was nice to see him attempt to put some of that old knowledge to good use.

  • Sam stealing the ram's horn from the synagogue. I don't know what he told the guy to be able to get it out of there (or maybe he took it by force), but I love that he had no qualms about going into a holy building and stealing an item because it needed to be done.
I'm looking forward to next week and I'm also looking forward to seeing how Dean's issues work out. He's got a lot weighing on him and sooner or later something's got to give.

The complete transcript of tonight's episode can be found on the SupernaturalWiki.

Previews For Next Week

Next week's episode is one I've been looking forward to. The Buffy reunion! James Marsters and Charisma Carpenter will be playing a married couple. She's a witch and he's...possibly magically talented as well? I don't even know the entire plot yet, but I do know that when you put Spike and Cordelia together, you're going to get a lot of happy fans.

Sam Doesn't Feel Guilty

Sam admits that he no longer feels guilty. That's why Osiris skipped him and went straight for Dean. He feels like his time in Hell paid his dues for all the bad things he's done, so he's even. Dean needs to learn that as well, but I feel like he still hasn't. What was the point of the episode if Dean didn't learn the lesson?

Keeping Secrets

Despite their bonding, and Dean's repetitive request that he and Sam not keep any secrets between them, Dean's still lying about Amy. Keeping secrets from your brother is never a good thing. We've seen where that leads: death, destruction, and the apocalypse.

Bonding With Beer

And the last scene of the episode has some brotherly bonding with the car, in the middle of nowhere, and a few beers between them. It's been a while since we had this patented ending, as we used to get them quite a bit, so it's nice to go back to basics again.

Sam Saves Dean Just In Time

Jo's got her hand on the lighter, ready to take the gas-filled motel room up in flames, but Sam's finally stabbed Osiris in the back with the ram's horn, so Dean is saved! That was a bit predictable.

Jo/Dean Interactions

Back at the motel, Jo and Dean are still having their showdown. I love seeing Jo and Dean's interactions. Too bad his death is going to be a recreation of hers. One bomb coming up.

Sam Stole The Horn

Over at the synagogue, Sam managed to steal the horn despite being discovered during the process. He's on his way back with it now, so we may never known how he talked his way out of the sticky situation.

Eye For An Eye

Sam leaves to get the ram's horn and Dean puts down a salt circle for protection. But Jo's right behind him. She's going to haunt him until he's taken down. She doesn't want to do it, but it's supposed to be an eye for an eye.

Ram's Horn

Bobby's on the road and he's got a plan. The boys have to stab Osiris with a ram's horn and that'll put him down for a few centuries. Sam's got to steal one from a synagogue. Stealing a holy relic from a house of worship? That's a new low.

Back At The Motel

The boys are back at the motel and the dead armed robber's being carted out by the EMTs. The next victim is Dean. It's up to Sam to figure out a way to save his brother, else we're going to be down one Winchester in the fight. Despite Sam's attempts to be sane, Dean's death would surely send him over the edge, so he better figure out something soon.

Preventing Amy From Taking The Stand

With Jo and Sam's witness testimony over, and Dean currently on the stand, Osiris threatens to bring out a third witness. There could be a multitude of people from Dean's past that could be paraded out, but with the events of last week still weighing heavily on his mind, the last witness would most likely be Amy and Dean's not going to agree with that. He'd rather be judged guilty than have Sam find out about killing Amy.

Sam's Smooth Talking

Sam's trying to lighten Dean's guilt. Dean couldn't have known Jess was going to die and he didn't directly kill Jo, so Dean's just got to believe that. He doesn't, but he's good at pretending, though. I'm not sure I like Sam's way to approaching this case. Yes, he's showing the traits of a good lawyer, manipulating and twisting the testimony so it fits his case, but he's also just forcing the issue of "it's this way because I say it is, so you say it's this way, too."

Dean's Judging Himself

Interesting! As with all the victims before, judgement is all on Dean's shoulders. Osiris is simply weighing the guilt that Dean feels. I have no doubt that Dean's going to judge himself guilty.


I am loving the use of flashbacks in this episode. All those people dead, their lives turned to ruin, all because of Dean's involvement. Sam's included in that, too. Usually I feel cheated by filling an episode with flashbacks, since it cuts into current time, but they're very effective tonight.

Second Witness: Sam

Well, this is interesting. The next witness is Sam. This isn't going to be good. He was going to be a lawyer, settle into a normal life with Jess, but then Dean showed back up and ruined all chance of normality. Ah, flashbacks of the Pilot. Back when Sam and Dean were so young, no naive, and hadn't died yet. If only they knew all the torment they were going to be in for, what with Sam and his demon blood, Dean and his mission from God, both their repetitive deaths, Dean's 40 years serving as Hell's torturer, and Sam's 180 years being tortured by Michael and Lucifer in the cage, resulting in his current mental instability. The good old days look pretty good right about now.

Twisting The Story

Sam's a manipulative lawyer, even though most of his teaching came from The Good Wife instead of Stanford pre-law classes. He turned it all around so that it wasn't Dean that started Jo hunting, but instead her father. Jo's got Daddy issues just like the Winchesters. I feel like he's just getting Jo to agree, even if she doesn't believe it herself.

First Witness: Jo

The first witness is Jo. Oh how I've missed her. She's not looking too good, being dead and all. But we get treated to some nice flashbacks of Jo and Dean's prior interactions. She may well be his greatest guilt, since she wouldn't have taken up hunting as strongly as she did if it weren't for Dean. And she wouldn't be dead now either, at least not at the hands of Hellhounds and a bomb blast.


Ha! Sam wants to serve as Dean's defense attorney. I love Lawyer!Sam, even if he hasn't been able to use that knowledge in more than seven years. I sure hope he remembers what they taught him at Stanford after all this time. His brother's life depends on it.

Dean in Chains

Sam's back at the barn, trying to see if he can locate Dean, since there was red dirt at the scene of his disappearance. However, the barn looks much different than the first time he visited.

Dean's chained up and being brought up on charges. Osiris is going to judge him for his past actions.

And now Sam's there. Yay!

Dead Armed Robber

Back at Dean and Sam's motel room, the armed robbery guy is freaking out when the lights start flickering. The audience is surely screaming "don't get out of the circle" but he doesn't listen. Outside the circle of protection, he's confronted with his fate. He's seeing the people he killed in the armed robbery, who will now kill him.

Dean's Missing

Sam's calling Dean, trying to track him down, but he's not answering his phone. And now the bartender's found it, but Dean's missing. Cue freaked out Sam.

Dean's Gone

Meanwhile, back at the bar, Dean's trying to convince himself that he deserves to sleep with the bartender. That's cute. He hasn't been able to have a random hook-up in a while. But his attempts will be cut short because suddenly he's attacked from behind.

OH NO! Dean's been kidnapped!

Bobby's News

Hey, look, it's Bobby on the phone with Sam! It's the first time we've seen him this episode. And he's got bad news for the boys. The Egyptian god Osiris is going after all these victims, making them stand trial for their guilt. Bobby wants Sam to go get Dean and get out of town because otherwise, who do you think Osiris is going to zero in on for his next victim? The guilt-ridden Dean Winchester, that's who.

Hitting On The Bartender

At the bar, Dean's hitting on the bartender, trying to find out information. And she's actually hitting on him back. He shouldn't give up on this one too easily, since it's been much too long since he was "Dean Winchester, Lady Magnet" but the drinking and the depression has taken that carefree guy from us.

Salt Circle

Meanwhile, back at the motel, Sam's put the guy inside a salt circle and is forcing him to stay put while he goes out to find out more information. It's been a while since we had a good, old salt circle, so that was nice to see.

Dean's Moral Code

Oh, Dean :( You don't want to save these guys because they used to be bad? This isn't like you. You've fallen down into a pit of despair and now you're going off alone to check out the bar. I bet you'll be doing more drinking than working.

Neal's Tavern

We learn that Neal's Tavern is where all these victims are getting grabbed, so I guess the Winchesters are going drinking (I mean, researching). I appreciate that the show's delving more into Dean's alcoholism this year, but it just warns in bright, flashing lights that sooner or later Dean's going to crash hard.

Armed Robber

A guy runs out in front of the Impala and Dean has to quickly lock the brakes to avoid hitting him. As they get his story, on why he was running away in the first place, we soon learn that he will be the next victim, despite Dean and Sam's attempts to get him out of his sentence. He just got out of prison for an armed robbery in 1981, but even though he served his time, now he's going to die for his past actions. This is really a harsh judgement being passed down.

Red Dirt

Sam has noticed that all the crime scenes had red dirt and now we find out that the dirt came from an apple farm near the area. Of course the boys have to go check it out because they're Winchesters and that's what they do.


And now we're getting the newspaper report on the second victim. He was arrested for dog-fighting, thus the reason he was killed by the dog. But, again, he had turned his life around. If there's no room for forgiveness, is their judgement really fair?

Invisible Dogs

And it looks like our next victim is now appearing. A guy is running down the street, trying to escape a dog who is chasing him. Dogs chasing guys is never good on this show, especially when one guy is the only one that sees them. So, these deaths are caused by hallucinations?

Back to Basics

The guys get to do an old-fashioned graveyard search while researching a name. I guess we really are going back to basics this season. But, alas, it's not a dig, but a connection to the victim. Hit and run when the guy was drunk. So, I guess their victim wasn't as squeaky clean as first thought.

Brotherly Bonding

Who gets to take on what aspect of the case? Let's solve this with brotherly bickering. I love when Sam and Dean get to do this. They haven't been able to do that lately, what with all the pain and torture they've been through.

The First Victim

The victim was in AA, 10 years sober. So, it seems like he was a nice guy. Weird that he'd be destined to die for his wrong-doings. Unless it's a trial of any crimes they've ever done, whether they've made up for them in human standards or not.

Sam's Means of Coping

Sam's poking his hand injury again, trying to ground himself in reality. Dear Sam, STOP USING PAIN AS YOUR TOUCHSTONE! I feel like he's going to start cutting before this season's over. I fully appreciate that Dean and he bonded over his hand injury and that Dean told him to use it to tell what is real and what is a hallucination, but this is not a long-term solution to the problem.

Running Away

We start the episode with a man running away from a speeding car. I fear his temporary escape is short-lived...oh, look, I was right. You know it's a bad day when a possessed car can not only chase you down the road, but also into a building.

Live Blog Event: Supernatural "Defending Your Life"

Tonight's live blog event will be Supernatural's fourth episode, titled "Defending Your Life." When last we left the Winchesters, Sam was still hallucinating, having trouble figuring out what was reality and what was fantasy, and trying to use pain as his touchstone. And Dean had shut down after the betrayal by Cas, so much so that he had slipped back to his black and white, good and evil way of viewing the world. Similar to when he was younger, his mindset has become "monsters are monsters and they deserve to die." Sam's childhood friend, Amy, fell under than judgement and was stabbed at the hands of Dean. And now he lives with the guilt.

During tonight's episode, we are set to bear witness to Dean being judged for his guilt by the Egyptian god Osiris. The Winchesters are on a case to investigate a series of murders. They soon discover that Osiris is behind it, putting random people on trial for their past mistakes. If they're found guilty, they are sentenced to death, hence the reason there's been an increased body count around the area. Unfortunately, Dean catches his attention and thus must stand trial for all the guilt he's carrying around.

Two big events that fans are looking forward to tonight are Lawyer!Sam and the return of Jo Harvelle. Sam will get to put his Stanford pre-law education to good use when he becomes Dean's defense attorney. He's going to have to do some fancy talking to get his brother out of this predicament because all fans know how much guilt Dean carries around with him. One of the witnesses that Osiris calls is Jo Harvelle. Yes, she's still dead, but returning from the grave has never been a barrier for this show. She may well be one of the biggest guilts Dean has, since it's his fault she's dead. Another adopted family member that died because of him.

To lead up to the episode, fans have been treated to three previews:

And now we await the 9PM premiere of Supernatural 7.04 "Defending Your Life."

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Supernatural's Interpretation of the Leviathan Myth

Fans of Supernatural have followed Dean and Sam Winchester on their mission to save the world from creatures large and small, all the while dealing with their own fractured family dynamics. What started out as a show about two brothers, fighting monsters while on a mission to find their father, has raised the stakes to even more dangerous levels. The Winchesters have taken on urban legends, demonology, religious hierarchy, and even the apocalypse. Each year, the show seeks to explore myths that are larger than the year before, as well as focus its arcs on a “bad guy” figure that is seemingly impossible to defeat. This year, the emerging “bad guys” appear to be the Leviathan, who have been separated from one entity into many.

LeviathanThe Leviathan is often described as a sea monster with seven heads, and there are references to it in Ancient Middle East mythology, Jewish writings, Christianity, and even Demonology. Sumerian mythology (ETCSL lines 55-63) details Ninutra's eventual defeat of a seven-headed serpent, which has been associated with a possible reference to the Leviathan creature. The Book of Enoch places its origin as female, a companion to the desert creature Behemoth (1 Enoch 60:7-8), though Christian mythology uses the male phrasing when describing the Leviathan. Job 41:1-34 goes into extensive detail in reference to the creature. The Leviathan is described as having a mouth full of “fearsome teeth” and his back covered with “rows of shields tightly sealed together.” He can breathe fire and is seemingly impossible to defeat, with the normal elements of iron, bronze, arrows, and stone tossed aside as not being harmful. “Nothing on earth is his equal—a creature without fear” (Job 41:33 NIV). In Satanism, the symbol for the church includes the name Leviathan written in Hebrew around its circle and the creature is said to be one of the four crown princes of Hell who guard the Hellmouth (Church of Satan XL A.S. and LaVey 1969).

Leviathan!CasSupernatural's writers have decided to utilize the richness of the Leviathan myth to create a “Big Bad” of the season. Unlike the mythological assertion that it is one beast to slay, the show has broken the Leviathan into countless beings that are making the Earth their playground. The Leviathans of Supernatural were the reason Purgatory was created in the first place, according to Death (Supernatural 7.1), and it was meant to be their prison for all eternity. When Castiel opened the door and took in all the souls of Purgatory, he drank in the Leviathans as well. The plan to return all the escaped souls back to Purgatory did not go as expected. The Leviathans hung on to Castiel's vessel and took it over in order to plan their larger escape (Supernatural 7.1). When the vessel could not contain them, they essentially disintegrated Castiel and dispersed themselves within the town's water system. This then allowed them to take over the vessels of anyone who drank the water or got the tainted liquid into their bodies in some manner (Supernatural 7.2). The audience has seen a few of the Leviathans so far. They've taken over the bodies of a little girl, a man, two high school students, a doctor, and a credit card operator. They all report to a higher boss, which the audience later discovered was Richard Roman (Supernatural 7.6).

Leviathan!EdgarThe show has taken certain elements of Leviathan appearance from mythology and is utilizing it to bring the beings up to date for current media. They visually have the fearsome teeth that are described from Job 41:14, as the audience has seen them unhinge their jaw and flash them prior to eating their victims. Their strength, referenced in Job 41:12, is mirrored on the show, as they can toss aside humans with a flick of the hand (Supernatural 7.1). And like in Job 41:26-29, they are also unable to be killed at present. The audience has seen evidence of their supposed immortality in the conclusion of Episode 7.2 when the car being dropped on Edgar (the head minion) made him bleed out and then he revived himself once Sam and Dean had departed the area. Though it is unclear how many Leviathans actually exist on Earth, once they were able to take over human vessels, it's possible that there are seven entities, which would parallel the fact that the Leviathan is a seven-headed creature.

However, the show has also taken some creative license to build upon the old myth and re-imagine it for the current audience by adding new elements. When the Leviathans are without a vessel, they are represented by black goo on the show. And when they are injured, they bleed out this substance. They are able to possess any human they come into contact with, first through the water system and then by actually touching another person and taking on their form. They are then able to access any memories the original vessel had, mirroring the abilities of the Shapeshifter featured on Supernatural prior (SupernaturalWiki 2011). Currently, the Winchesters have found that sodium borate (Borax) can harm the creatures and that cutting off their head will temporarily stop them (Supernatural 7.6), but it's yet to be seen if this is the ultimate answer in taking down the Leviathans.

The further abilities of these creatures have yet to be seen, but there is room for even more creative license as Leviathan myth becomes media on Supernatural. Will there be tentacles in the audience's future? Can all the people who surround the Winchesters be trusted or might some of them be Leviathans in disguise? And who or what will be able to slay the beasts eventually? Will God return to do the deed, as stated in Isaiah 27:1, or will the Winchesters be able to find a kilbit to deal with the otherwise-immortal creatures? That is what the audience will have to wait and find out. For now, these ancient creatures are having their time in the spotlight when old legends become new again.

Book of Enoch. Book of Noah-A Fragment LX 7-8. Accessed October 8, 2011.

Church of Satan. XL A.S. “The History of the Origin of the Sigil of Baphomet and its Use in the Church of Satan.” Accessed October 8, 2011.

Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature. “Ninurta's Return to Nibru.” Lines 55-63. Accessed October 8, 2011.

LaVey, Anton. 1969. The Satanic Bible. New York: Avon Books, Inc.

New International Version. Isaiah 27:1. Accessed October 8, 2011.

New International Version. Job 41:1-34. Accessed October 8, 2011.

Supernatural Episode No. 7.1, First broadcast September 23, 2011 by CW Network. Directed by Phil Sgriccia and written by Sera Gamble.

Supernatural Episode No. 7.2, First broadcast September 30, 2011 by CW Network. Directed by Guy Bee and written by Ben Edlund.

Supernatural Episode No. 7.6, First broadcast October 28, 2011 by CW Network. Directed by John Showalter and written by Robbie Thompson.

SupernaturalWiki. Last updated June 2011. “Shapeshifters.” Accessed October 8, 2011.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Proposal For Fandomania Article

The focus of my writing will be for Fandomania, which is a blog which covers fandom news, pop culture, meta, and reviews of the latest comic books, television shows, movies, video games, and anything else that a person can get fannish about. The site updates daily M-F, with articles scheduled between 11AM and 8PM. Each submission is open to comments by readers and welcomes the discussions that develop as a result. Fandomania is among a wide range of media review blogs that have emerged through the online market. What sets this site apart is the sense that it's for fans, written by fans. There's no monetary gain for writers to promote certain sets of media over others. The opinions that are expressed are meant to be fans talking to fans. That's why readers return day after day, participating in discussions and promoting article links across various social media sites.

Fandom: the state or attitude of being a fan

Mania: excitement manifested by mental and physical hyperactivity, disorganization of behavior, and elevation of mood

Most everyone has something they're passionate about. Perhaps you're a fan of a comic book series, able to rattle off the canon of Jason Todd from his Robin beginnings to his continuing reign as Red Hood. Or maybe you're a fan of the RoboCop movie series, watching Murphy balance the memories of being a man with the reality of being a machine. It's possible you spend your nights exploring the implications of the Stargate project on planetary societies through the different television incarnations we've seen. Whatever aspect of fandom you enjoy, being a fan is about exploring the shared love that comes about through that experience.

The format of Fandomania articles varies depending on the piece. While reviews have required information inclusion, meta articles have a more open format in order to best serve the article. Illustrations to highlight points, references to source materials, and exploration of texts in order to speculate about implications on the larger canon are all welcome. When direct references are necessary, the Chicago Manual of Style will be used to format citations. Some freedom of formatting is allowed, since the references made to current media is often dependent on how the majority of fans seek to reference particular ideas through naming practices.

For this assignment, I will be creating a meta piece about the use of Leviathans in myth and on the latest season of Supernatural. As fans of the show know, Supernatural has taken on urban legends, demonology, religious hierarchy, and even the apocalypse. Each year, it seeks to take on myths that are larger than the year before, as well as focus its arcs on a “bad guy” figure that is seemingly impossible to defeat. With its seventh season now under way, the emerging “bad guys” of the season are Leviathans. What I seek to do in my meta/feature article is to compare the legends we know about these figures versus how Supernatural is re-imagining the myths for its own storylines. While it would mainly appeal to fans of the show, who know the characters and the storylines that are emerging within the arc, the article would also be interesting to those who are curious about the Leviathan mythology and seeks to understand how current media is portraying such ancient stories. The article seeks to be relevant to fans worldwide, and may influence a few new people to join the viewing audience.